...these moments start with feeling fed up. The weeks passed on slowly, with a ball of stress piling up in the stomach. And then, when you least expect it and there's no one else, you take the pen with boredom or hit the chord on the old guitar hanging in the corner and it all begins...
You can't believe all that's been spilt around when you sober up. They are still shining and moving right in front of you as if their heart was beating. Your opacity, on the other hand, is still at 33%. And you wish you never returned, and they kept spilling.

My mind was running so fast that if I had continued that way a little more that rusty mechanism would have failed at some point. I left without being noticed... Oh, damn! Had I turned the valve off before I left?

I've made a long-term memory of myself in the minds of people that I don't remember from last night.

Soil Mushroom
"Her toprağın neyi taşıyacağını ve neyi reddeceğini düşünün."

Her ev, kaosu ve uyumu bir arada barındıran bir evren gibi. Onu oluşturan her bir odanın, her bir mekanın kendine özgü bir atmosferi ve hissi olması ise kaçınılmaz.