I can imagine the person without the couch, but I realized, to think of the couch without the person, I need to become the couch.

Moyaji - Tshirt
Moyaji - Tshirt

Vintage Room
In this language without any place, time expands as the duration of a song.

Vintage Room - Tshirt
Vintage Room - Tshirt

I turn down the volume of time and grab on to the shoulder of a wave.

Wavrel - Tshirt
Wavrel - Tshirt
New Design

Since the day he was born, he had been expecting the day he could choose between his existence and consciousness.

Please wait... Please wait... You can now cross the street.

Yuvica - Tshirt

They rely on the memory of their index finger and don't know any other shorter way to take pictures than walking. They turned on their camera and checked the exposure. ISO: 30 billion light-years. Their mind opened and the focus was at infinity.

Proi - Tshirt
Proi - Tshirt

There was no place left unseen, yet humankind remained as an undiscovered continent.

Flow - Tshirt

He has no idea how long he's been on the road. Every rest point he sees is crowded with planned trips... As the logic of the majority dictates, inevitable places for those who want to get from point A to B. His journey is unplanned, he has no idea where he's going and there is no logical explanation as to why he's on the road. Who wants to explain anyway? When you're on the road, you just aim to go as far as possible, but you remember where you're going and why only when you stop... Here's another one... Rest areas are part of our calculable, fabricated reality... A bland cup of tea, a coincidental meal, dirty toilets and have a nice trip... He doesn't want to rest. He will keep going until he finds the shadow of a tree or a waterfront where he can sleep.

Heyn - Tshirt
Heyn - Tshirt

I'm collaborating with the objects I bond with.

Gremil - Tshirt
Gremil - Tshirt

The Dream
What do you dream of when time and space are out of your reach?

The Dream - Tshirt

This artificial light trapping my eyes, this giant display disregarding my existence, this culture consuming the skin of my individuality.

Pialo - Tshirt

"Our lives do not belong to us. From womb to grave we depend on people who lived and still live. With every crime committed, with every favour done we breed our future."

Cloud Atlas

Gravity - Tshirt

"No doubt we are different from animals. No, they can't build spaceships. No, they can't understand math. Sure they can't write poets as Shelley does. Darn! Can you swim like a whale? Fly like an eagle? Can you hear like a bat? Are you as beautiful as a cat? Do you smell wonderful like a cat? It is totally nonsense and nothing more than discrimination to adopt our criteria as mind in a moral universe in which we decide who has the rights or who doesn't and who is inclusive of society! If giraffes were as narrow-minded, as arrogant and as prejudicious as humans you would have no rights unless you are 6 feet tall. Would you like to live in such an imperialist giraffe world in which they cut you alive to eat and torture you because you are not that tall? Here, our moral code is that discriminatory and prejudicious."

Steve Best

Uilboek - Tişört

"Yıllar içinde herhangi bir anlık değişikliğin taze bir zihinsel enerji patlamasına yol açtığını keşfettim. Şimdi bu odadayken birazdan öbür odaya geçersem, bu bana yardımcı oluyor. Sokağa çıkarsam fazlasıyla yardımcı oluyor. Yukarı çıkıp duş alırsam, bunun da faydası büyük. Bu yüzden ara sıra fazladan duş alıyorum. Aşağıdaysam ve açmaza düştüysem, işime yarayacak olan şey yukarı çıkıp duş almak. Beni rahatlatıyor bu."

Woody Allen - "Daily Rituals" by Mason Currey

Brian - Tişört

Plaster Peeling
Kaskatı şehirler, ıslak betonda kalan ayak izleriyle esner ve bakarsın yüzeyin de fikri değişir.

Plaster Peeling - Tişört

On The Stars
"Bir kuyruklu yıldız olmak istiyorum, herkesin durup baktığı, birbirine gösterdiği bir kuyruklu yıldız, sonra....ansızın bir patlama ve ben yokum..."

Jim Morrison

On The Stars - Tişört

"Yalnızlık, insanın çevresinde insan olmaması demek değildir. İnsan kendisinin önemsediği şeyleri başkalarına ulaştıramadığı ya da başkalarının olanaksız bulduğu bazı görüşlere sahip olduğu zaman kendisini yalnız hisseder."

Carl Gustav Jung

Tekbant - Tişört

Süzülürken iyi güzel de, her seferinde de bir parça eksiliyor.

Bozukluklar mı düştü acaba?

Flugi - Tişört