There was no place left unseen, yet humankind remained as an undiscovered continent.

Flow - Tshirt

I'm collaborating with the objects I bond with.

Gremil - Tshirt
Gremil - Tshirt

I can imagine the person without the couch, but I realized, to think of the couch without the person, I need to become the couch.

Moyaji - Tshirt
Moyaji - Tshirt

They rely on the memory of their index finger and don't know any other shorter way to take pictures than walking. They turned on their camera and checked the exposure. ISO: 30 billion light-years. Their mind opened and the focus was at infinity.

Proi - Tshirt
Proi - Tshirt

On The Stars
"I see myself as a huge fiery comet, a shooting star. Everyone stops, points up and gasps 'Oh look at that!' Then - whoosh, and I'm gone..."

Jim Morrison

On The Stars - Tshirt

He has no idea how long he's been on the road. Every rest point he sees is crowded with planned trips... As the logic of the majority dictates, inevitable places for those who want to get from point A to B. His journey is unplanned, he has no idea where he's going and there is no logical explanation as to why he's on the road. Who wants to explain anyway? When you're on the road, you just aim to go as far as possible, but you remember where you're going and why only when you stop... Here's another one... Rest areas are part of our calculable, fabricated reality... A bland cup of tea, a coincidental meal, dirty toilets and have a nice trip... He doesn't want to rest. He will keep going until he finds the shadow of a tree or a waterfront where he can sleep.

Heyn - Tshirt
Heyn - Tshirt

The Dream
What do you dream of when time and space are out of your reach?

The Dream - Tshirt

"I've found over the years that any momentary change stimulates a fresh burst of mental energy. So if I'm in this room and then I go into the other room, it helps me. If I go outside to the street, it's a huge help. If I go up and take a shower it's a big help. So I sometimes take extra showers. I'll be down here [in the living room] and at an impasse and what will help me is to go upstairs and take a shower. It breaks up everything and relaxes me."

Woody Allen - "Daily Rituals" by Mason Currey

Brian - Tshirt

There are more things to be discovered