Crimson Fumes
NFT Artwork View

Crimson Fumes

by Reza Afshar

Standing at the end of the hill, the traveler took a last look at the planet covered in exploding rocks and crimson fumes.
The thought of bottling what's left of fire crossed his mind.
How many creatures left their traces in these scattered ashes?

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Crimson Fumes

by Reza Afshar

Standing at the end of the hill, the traveler took a last look at the planet covered in exploding rocks and crimson fumes.
The thought of bottling what's left of fire crossed his mind.
How many creatures left their traces in these scattered ashes?

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Gender: Unisex
Style: Regular Tshirt
Color: Asphalt
Size:  Size chart
Available Editions
Fast and free shipping + 100% customer satisfaction and 365 days change / return.

Crimson Fumes

  • Hybrid Minds
    We are in an alternate universe, a bridge between physical and digital reality. We packed our experiences, imagination, and works. And embarked on a journey to sincere stories that emerge from new collaborations.

    Hybrid Minds is built on the possibilities of collaborations created by combining an artwork in different forms. The limited-edition t-shirt design represents the physical universe of the project, and the single-edition NFT form of the artwork represents the digital ecosystem.

    We are continuing our collaborations with artists, supporting authentic works for over a decade, and care about our bond with the earth.
  • Editions
    This design is produced as a one-off design with 100 pieces. The edition number can be found on the hemline.

    Since it is produced in different sizes you will not know which edition you are buying until the product reaches you.

    As it is a limited edition t-shirt, there is no change option. But needless to say, you can return it any time.
  • Fabric quality
    Made of 100% good quality combed cotton. The texture is soft and flexible.

    Because we send them pre-washed, there is a very little chance of shrinking after recommended wash.

    The coloring materials used for production are fully organic, certified and safe, posing no risk for human health.

    We do not use animal-based materials in our designs.
  • Printing quality
    As opposed to the screen printing we have been using for years, we use a new generation digital printing technique specific to this project.

    It is breathable and has a soft feel just as screen printing.

    We do not claim that our prints will remain the same forever without fading, but you can rest assured that it will be more durable compared to many printed t-shirts.
  • Details
    We don't like the harsh labels used for washing instructions. Instead, we printed the instructions on the fabric itself. It's not going to bother you anymore.

    There's a small, barely seen KAFT logo made of suede on the back of the neck.
  • Sustainability
    We bring our designs to life together with our local manufacturers; which have timeless stories and long life cycles. While doing so, we care for production models that respect nature and humans. You can visit our sustainability page and get detailed information about all the work we do in this route.
  • Return & Change
    We take full responsibility over our products. Therefore we offer our clients 100% return warranty.

    If by any reason you're not pleased with the product you can send it to return in 1 year.

    If you have any questions, you can contact us via

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