You want to hit the road; stone walls stand in your way.
You want to walk out; the ones left behind haunt you like a pack of restless ghosts.
You want to set your past ablaze; an invisible hand puts your torch out.

To create, we must risk destruction.
To do justice to the fire, we must stand in its light.

Torcher - Tshirt
Torcher - Tshirt

"Interestingly, according to modern astronomers, space is finite. This is a very comforting thought-particularly for people who can never remember where they have left things."

Woody Allen

Astrok - Tshirt

I survived for centuries and began performing a one-man play in the flashy costumes of each and every species that I caused the extinction of.

Flora - Tshirt
Flora - Tshirt

Thought is a form of energy, it can be stored, kept safe but it cannot be destroyed. You cannot stop it from surfacing at some point.

Documented - Tshirt

The Land
What do you dream of when time and space are out of your reach?

The Land - Tişört

Forest Guard
"İnsan doğadan yaşar, yani doğa onun bedenidir, ölmemek için onunla daimi bir diyalog sürdürmelidir. İnsanın fiziksel ve zihinsel hayatının doğaya bağlı olduğunu söylemek, doğanın kendi kendisine bağlı olduğunu söylemektir, çünkü insan doğanın bir parçasıdır."

Karl Marx

Forest Guard - Tişört

Cordialis Roep
"Söylenmeye değer tek şey duygulardır, içten gelenlerdir. İnsan içinden geleni söylemeliydi yalnızca."

Virginia Woolf, Mrs Dalloway

Cordialis Roep - Tişört

Industry Sunset
As much as stereotyping the human beings's ability to create, this second nature, which we have woven down to the smallest detail, nurtures his species-being with brand new aspects.

Industry Sunset - Tshirt