I can imagine the person without the couch, but I realized, to think of the couch without the person, I need to become the couch.

You want to hit the road; stone walls stand in your way.
You want to walk out; the ones left behind haunt you like a pack of restless ghosts.
You want to set your past ablaze; an invisible hand puts your torch out.
To create, we must risk destruction.
To do justice to the fire, we must stand in its light.

This artificial light trapping my eyes, this giant display disregarding my existence, this culture consuming the skin of my individuality.

Spirit of the broken item, hear me out! We fell to pieces but let's accept it, we had a great time.

"Action and consciousness aren't in harmony. Action wants to pick the unripe fruit from the tree whereas consciousness leaves them there to ripen for so long that they fall off and get stomped on."
Friedrich Nietzsche

Everyday they wake up, check the day's menu and choose a mask. Because extras don't use stunt doubles.

Who knows, maybe once upon a time, gravity too was just a figment of someone's imagination.

"Interestingly, according to modern astronomers, space is finite. This is a very comforting thought-particularly for people who can never remember where they have left things."
Woody Allen

...these moments start with feeling fed up. The weeks passed on slowly, with a ball of stress piling up in the stomach. And then, when you least expect it and there's no one else, you take the pen with boredom or hit the chord on the old guitar hanging in the corner and it all begins...
You can't believe all that's been spilt around when you sober up. They are still shining and moving right in front of you as if their heart was beating. Your opacity, on the other hand, is still at 33%. And you wish you never returned, and they kept spilling.

It was born over and over again. Hundreds, thousands, millions of times. Each time, it was a new species. And each time, it evolved back into itself.

Shield Maiden
We just sat down and watched the Sun set, atom being split, gravity being extinct and soil being free.

They rely on the memory of their index finger and don't know any other shorter way to take pictures than walking. They turned on their camera and checked the exposure. ISO: 30 billion light-years. Their mind opened and the focus was at infinity.

After the harvest was complete, they entrusted the field to a crow and took off. Now they had exactly 200 years left to return.

They rely on the memory of their index finger and don't know any other shorter way to take pictures than walking. They turned on their camera and checked the exposure. ISO: 30 billion light-years. Their mind opened and the focus was at infinity.

Since the day he was born, he had been expecting the day he could choose between his existence and consciousness.
Please wait... Please wait... You can now cross the street.

He has no idea how long he's been on the road. Every rest point he sees is crowded with planned trips... As the logic of the majority dictates, inevitable places for those who want to get from point A to B. His journey is unplanned, he has no idea where he's going and there is no logical explanation as to why he's on the road. Who wants to explain anyway? When you're on the road, you just aim to go as far as possible, but you remember where you're going and why only when you stop... Here's another one... Rest areas are part of our calculable, fabricated reality... A bland cup of tea, a coincidental meal, dirty toilets and have a nice trip... He doesn't want to rest. He will keep going until he finds the shadow of a tree or a waterfront where he can sleep.

My mind was running so fast that if I had continued that way a little more that rusty mechanism would have failed at some point. I left without being noticed... Oh, damn! Had I turned the valve off before I left?

Since the day he was born, he had been expecting the day he could choose between his existence and consciousness.
Please wait... Please wait... You can now cross the street.

Shaping Love
Thought is a form of energy, it can be stored, kept safe but it cannot be destroyed. You cannot stop it from surfacing at some point.

I survived for centuries and began performing a one-man play in the flashy costumes of each and every species that I caused the extinction of.

I survived for centuries and began performing a one-man play in the flashy costumes of each and every species that I caused the extinction of.

I can imagine the person without the couch, but I realized, to think of the couch without the person, I need to become the couch.

He finally reached a seaside town where lot of people want to move to when they get old whereas lots of others have an excuse not to. Since it wasn't the season, not many vacationers were there. It wasn't only because it wasn't the right season. Isn't vacation something that is earned with more work and advertised by others? Everybody works. He met the mild wind, loads of sea shells and timid waves on the shore. He heard a few seagulls tearing through the soupy air. Seagulls never retire. The humankind is born, raised, gets a job, catches the pieces of bread thrown at him and retires when he's old. It's only dreams that don't get old. He curled up under one of the colorful umbrellas like a stray dog, took a large sea shell in his hand, brought it up to his ear and slept to the sounds it made.

Since the day he was born, he had been expecting the day he could choose between his existence and consciousness.
Please wait... Please wait... You can now cross the street.

Thought is a form of energy, it can be stored, kept safe but it cannot be destroyed. You cannot stop it from surfacing at some point.

Together Alone
Though we might share the same physical environment, we are seldom together. It is here that we breathe the same air with objects and expand our space as we sculpt them.
This three-dimensional border begotten by their unquestionable tangibility becomes home to perspectives yearning for infinity.

When these objects strip off their function and put on the context that I created, how many millions of times were they produced before no longer matters.

"I've found over the years that any momentary change stimulates a fresh burst of mental energy. So if I'm in this room and then I go into the other room, it helps me. If I go outside to the street, it's a huge help. If I go up and take a shower it's a big help. So I sometimes take extra showers. I'll be down here [in the living room] and at an impasse and what will help me is to go upstairs and take a shower. It breaks up everything and relaxes me."
Woody Allen - "Daily Rituals" by Mason Currey

I've made a long-term memory of myself in the minds of people that I don't remember from last night.

"Our lives do not belong to us. From womb to grave we depend on people who lived and still live. With every crime committed, with every favour done we breed our future."
Cloud Atlas

...these moments start with feeling fed up. The weeks passed on slowly, with a ball of stress piling up in the stomach. And then, when you least expect it and there's no one else, you take the pen with boredom or hit the chord on the old guitar hanging in the corner and it all begins...
You can't believe all that's been spilt around when you sober up. They are still shining and moving right in front of you as if their heart was beating. Your opacity, on the other hand, is still at 33%. And you wish you never returned, and they kept spilling.

In the evening of a day - we didn't even know why it started- we saw that a movie we watched just for a moment of joy, ended in sorrow. What we do now is to rewind it and watch that bitter end again. We will do this over and over, until we destroy ourselves.

All hell was breaking loose at the other end of the World, and he was having a hard time believing that.

...these moments start with feeling fed up. The weeks passed on slowly, with a ball of stress piling up in the stomach. And then, when you least expect it and there's no one else, you take the pen with boredom or hit the chord on the old guitar hanging in the corner and it all begins...
You can't believe all that's been spilt around when you sober up. They are still shining and moving right in front of you as if their heart was beating. Your opacity, on the other hand, is still at 33%. And you wish you never returned, and they kept spilling.

Fast Fingers
Spirit of the broken item, hear me out! We fell to pieces but let's accept it, we had a great time.

This artificial light trapping my eyes, this giant display disregarding my existence, this culture consuming the skin of my individuality.

Burning Tire
In the end, we were only a handful of people to celebrate our existence; and we had forgotten all the languages we've known.

All was set to start the life from scratch. So now, we all were looking for the oldest repair method in history, the "restart" button.

It Is Temporary
"I sit by the window and look out completely in vain. Something always tells me that I'll go mad the next moment. But I don't go mad the next moment. Madness would mean that I'd have to cling to something. Yet I don't cling to anything."
Kárhozat (1988)

Im Underwater
"Don't do what you want. Do what you don't want. Do what you're trained not to want. Do the things that scare you the most."
Chuck Palahniuk

On The Stars
"I see myself as a huge fiery comet, a shooting star. Everyone stops, points up and gasps 'Oh look at that!' Then - whoosh, and I'm gone..."
Jim Morrison

I've made a long-term memory of myself in the minds of people that I don't remember from last night.

I've made a long-term memory of myself in the minds of people that I don't remember from last night.

"Loneliness does not come from having no people around one, but from being unable to communicate the things that seem important to oneself or from holding certain views which others find inadmissible."
Carl Gustav Jung

When these objects strip off their function and put on the context that I created, how many millions of times were they produced before no longer matters.

Vintage Room
In this language without any place, time expands as the duration of a song.

Lead Time
In this language without any place, time expands as the duration of a song.

Escape Flip
Spirit of the broken item, hear me out! We fell to pieces but let's accept it, we had a great time.

In this language without any place, time expands as the duration of a song.

I can imagine the person without the couch, but I realized, to think of the couch without the person, I need to become the couch.

There was no place left unseen, yet humankind remained as an undiscovered continent.

Who knows, maybe once upon a time, gravity too was just a figment of someone's imagination.

I survived for centuries and began performing a one-man play in the flashy costumes of each and every species that I caused the extinction of.

Gözlerimi hapseden bu yapay ışık, varoluşuma aldırmayan bu büyük vitrin, farklılığımın derisini zımparalayan bu kültür.

Görülmedik hiçbir yer kalmasa da insan hala keşfedilmemiş bir kıtaydı.

Her sabah günün menüsüne bakıp buna göre maskeler seçerdi. Çünkü figüranlar dublör kullanmaz.

Her sabah günün menüsüne bakıp buna göre maskeler seçerdi. Çünkü figüranlar dublör kullanmaz.

İşaret parmağının hafızasına güveniyor ve fotoğraf çekmek için yürümekten daha kısa bir yol bilmiyordu. Kamerasını açıp, pozlamasını kontrol etti. ISO: 30 milyar ışık yılı. Açılan zihniydi ve netlik sonsuzdaydı.

Because Of You
"Kişinin egosu, bütün problemlerinin, bütün savaşların, bütün anlaşmazlıkların, bütün kıskançlıkların, korkunun, depresyonun kaynağıdır. Kendisini başarısız hissetmek, sürekli olarak diğerleri ile kıyaslamak herkesi incitir, aşırı derecede incitir; çünkü her şeye sahip olmazsın."

İnsan dinginlik arayışında insandan kaçar sonra yine insan arar. Kendi gibi birilerine yolda rastlamak isteyeceğini hiç düşünmemişti. Belki de bu uzun süreli yalnızlık korkutmuştu. Kimsenin çıkmayacağı bir yolculuğa çıkacak kadar delirmiş olamazdı ya. İnsan yolda dinlenir, sorgular, çelişir ve sonunda rahatlamak ister. Bir siluet bir hareket görse rahatlayacaktı. Yalnız olmadığını bilmenin rahatlığıydı ihtiyacı olan. Çok geçmeden ufka doğru kendi halinde yürüyen birilerini gördü. Yolunu bir bakıma onların varlığına onaylattı. Yalnız değildi. Bir insan en fazla insanlara tahammül edeceğini hissettiği zamana dek yalnız kalabiliyor.

"Elbette hayvanlardan farklıyız; hayır, onlar elbette uzay gemisi yapamazlar, hayır onlar matematikten anlamazlar, hayır tabi ki Shelley gibi romantik şiir yazamazlar. Lanet olsun! Siz bir balina gibi yüzebilir misiniz? Kartal gibi uçabilir misiniz? Bir yarasa gibi işitebilir misiniz? Bir kedi kadar güzel misiniz? Bir kedi kadar güzel kokuyor musunuz? Kimlerin hak sahibi olacağı ve kimlerin hak sahibi olamayacağı, kimlerin topluma dahil olup olamayacağı türünden bir ahlaki evrende kriterimizi akıl olarak belirlemek tamamen saçmadır ve ayrımcılıktan başka bir şey değildir! Eğer zürafalar insan ırkı kadar geri kafalı, kendini beğenmiş ve önyargılı olsaydı en az 2 metrelik boynunuz olmadığı sürece hiçbir hakkınız olmayacaktı. Sizi diri kesimle kestikleri, yiyecek olasınız diye kesip biçtikleri, sırf o kadar uzun bir boynunuz yok diye size her türden işkenceyi yaptıkları böylesine emperyalist bir zürafa dünyasında yaşamak ister miydiniz? İşte bizim ahlaki kodumuz böylesine ayrımcı ve önyargılı."
Steve Best

Gerçekliğin sürekli güncellendiği bu açık dünyada farklı rollere girdim. Yan görev olarak da yoldakileri rendera bıraktım.

Flying Low
Hayal gücü, gökyüzünde süzülen rengarenk bir makineydi şimdi.

Forest Guard
"İnsan doğadan yaşar, yani doğa onun bedenidir, ölmemek için onunla daimi bir diyalog sürdürmelidir. İnsanın fiziksel ve zihinsel hayatının doğaya bağlı olduğunu söylemek, doğanın kendi kendisine bağlı olduğunu söylemektir, çünkü insan doğanın bir parçasıdır."
Karl Marx

Duo Semen
"Aslında dünyaya gelmek değil yaptığımız, dünyadan çıkmak: Tıpkı yaprakların ağaçtan çıkması gibi. Okyanus nasıl dalgalanırsa, evren de insanlanır."
Alan Watts

Görülmedik hiçbir yer kalmasa da insan hala keşfedilmemiş bir kıtaydı.

Gerçekliğin sürekli güncellendiği bu açık dünyada farklı rollere girdim. Yan görev olarak da yoldakileri rendera bıraktım.

Cordialis Roep
"Söylenmeye değer tek şey duygulardır, içten gelenlerdir. İnsan içinden geleni söylemeliydi yalnızca."
Virginia Woolf, Mrs Dalloway

Gerçekliğin sürekli güncellendiği bu açık dünyada farklı rollere girdim. Yan görev olarak da yoldakileri rendera bıraktım.

Çimler üzeri arkadaş toplaşmaları, yatay ya da dikey yolculuklar, rengarenk festivaller, yazıyla çiziyle üretimle geçen vakitler, ufak çaplı mucizeler ve evden sokağa çıkışlar... Kulağımda hep bir müzik var.

Industry Sunset
Tüm ayrıntılarıyla ince ince işlediğimiz ikinci doğa, insanın yaratma gücünü tek tipleştirdiği kadar onun tür olarak varlığını da yepyeni açılarla besler.

Özgür Ruh
"Her insan temiz doğar ve yola başlar. Yolda hangi rengi alacağın senin elinde. İster başladığın gibi masmavi devam edersin, ister gökkuşağı olursun. Saflığın, başlangıcın rengidir mavi... Kırmızının aksine kalbinin rengidir aynı zamanda. Yaşamak için nefes alışların dalgalanır. Kendini döke saça yükselirsin. Dilediğin gibi...
Cehennemse her an aşağıdadır. Hiç bırakmaz peşini, her an aklının bi köşesindedir. Elin gider.. çekersin tekrar. Yoksa o mu haklı? Hiçbir zaman emin olamazsın."
Şevki Orhan

Her ev, kaosu ve uyumu bir arada barındıran bir evren gibi. Onu oluşturan her bir odanın, her bir mekanın kendine özgü bir atmosferi ve hissi olması ise kaçınılmaz.

Benimle şekil alır aklıma gelenler ve bazen de malzemenin aklından geçenler.

Benimle şekil alır aklıma gelenler ve bazen de malzemenin aklından geçenler.

Benimle şekil alır aklıma gelenler ve bazen de malzemenin aklından geçenler.

Bu objeler, işlevinden soyunup, benim yarattığım anlamı giydiklerinde, daha evvel kaç milyon kez üretildiklerinin bir önemi kalmıyor.

Doğayla birlikte ayrı gezegene çıktık. Birkaç ışık yılı yol kat edip, elimizdekileri etrafa saçtık.

Süzülürken iyi güzel de, her seferinde de bir parça eksiliyor.
Bozukluklar mı düştü acaba?